Key Events
* 2024 Green-eyed Boy of the Rain, first studio album in 17 years.
* 2023 Gourmand Award Best International Italian Cookbook.
* 2020 City of Melbourne Poet Laureate.
*Winner First Prize 2017 University of Canberra Health Poetry Prize, choral libretto, And Let the Wonder In.
* Best Australian Poems 2015 & 2014.
* The Monthly, 'Shaddap You Facebook,' #58 in Top 100 Most Popular articles. 2013.
* 25th Launceston Poetry Cup. 2010.
* Founding member, withLin van Hek, of DIFFICULT WOMEN.
* Executive Producer, lead guitarist and co-writer of the song, INTIMACY, sung by LIN VAN HEK, and included in the classic US sci-fi film, THE TERMINATOR, one of 25 movies listed for preservation, along with films such as The Asphalt Jungle, Deliverance, The Invisible Man and In Cold Blood, for cultural, historic and aesthetic significance, by the USLibrary of Congress.
* Three albums released by US artists including and with Dolce songs as TITLES: 'Rolling Along,' by Jonathan Edwards, 'My Home Ain't in the Hall of Fame,' by JD Crowe and the New South, and 'Shaddap You Face,' by Lou Monte.
* Wrote, produced and performed, SHADDAP YOU FACE. Over six million copies sold worldwide with hundreds of cover versions, Youtube variations, and synch licenses, and translations into 10 languages, including Papua New Guinea pidgin and the Australian aboriginal Indjibundji dialect.
Poetry & Book Reviews
Quadrant Series and Film Reviews
Off the Beach: Nevile Shute's Warning, Jan-Feb.
University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor’s Poetry Prize. Walt Disney Looney Tune Paradelle, Longlist. Oct.
Green-eyed Boy of the Rain, new studio album. Oct.
The Intimacy Album, pink vinyl LP for Lin van Hek, co-writer and producer. Oct.
University of Canberra Health Poetry Prize. Farewell Failed Rose, Sweet Arthur, [songlyric], Longlist.
* Poetry & Book Reviews
-St Guinefort, I Dreamt I Saw (Virginia Woolf), Quadrant, Dec.
-Season of Fire, Quadrant, Nov.
-Quetzal, Bell & Gong, Quadrant, Oct.
-Goanna, Frozen Kittens, Quadrant, July-Aug.
-Doppelgänger , Quadrant, June.
-Vitis Vinefera, Quadrant, Apr,
-Settlement, Without Consent, Quadrant, Jan-Feb.
-Cavafy Villanelles, Melbourne Poets Union: Finding My Feet anthology, Jan.
-8mm, 2023 Newcastle Poetry Prize, The Crossing anthology. Jan.
*Quadrant Series and Film Reviews
-AK-47 Kalashnikov, Dec.
-The Trap, Nov.
-The Colour Room, Oct.
-Pandaemonium, Sept.
-Nightjars, July-Aug.
-She Came to Me, June.
-Freaks, May.
-Born a Champion, Apr.
-And Howe! Mar.
-All the Mornings of the World, Jan-Feb.
A Current Affair, Channel 9. Feature segment on Joe Dolce Cooks with cooking demonstration. Dec.
The Weekend Australian, full two-page feature interview by Alan Howe. Dec.
Chamber Poets, poetry reading and book signing. Woodend, VIC. Dec.
Joe Dolce Cooks: Most Loved Recipes, cookbook launched at Poet House, Thornbury, VIC. Nov.
Gourmand Best International Cookbook Award, Joe Dolce Cooks: Most Loved Recipes. Awards ceremony: Riyadh,Saudi Arabia. Nov.
At The Noisy Cafe: Selected Poems 2017-2023, launched at Busybird Publishing, Montmorency, VIC, and Poet House, Thornbury, VIC. July.
* Poetry & Book Reviews
· 8mm, shortlist, 2023 Newcastle Poetry Prize. Dec.
· Apple Pie 1969 , The Crow, Dec.
· from the Cavafy Villanelles I, III, IX, Quadrant, Nov.
· Carmenta’lia, Quadrant, Sept.
·Anemone, Quadrant, July.
·Daddy plus one, Empty Strollers, Ballad of True and False Singing, Quadrant, June.
·Gluten-free Toast, Narcissus Shaving At the River, Quadrant, May.
·In Repose, Offering, Quadrant, Mar.
·A Toast to Free Verse, The Crow, Ginninderra Press, Feb.
·Fifteen Haiku, Senryu, Short Poems and Mongrels, Here and Now Society, Colorado, USA, Feb.
·Bob Dylan's Philosophy of Modern Song, book review Quadrant, Jan-Feb.
·Come Writer's and Critics, 3 essays and a book review, The Bob Dylan International Paper Archive, Jan-Feb
* Quadrant Television Series and Film Reviews
· Man on Fire: Bodyguard Rampant, Dec.
· Black Sunday, Nov.
· Drops of God, Oct.
·SAS: Rogue Heroes, Sept.
·Elgar's Tenth Muse, July - Aug.
·Turn Every Page, June.
·The Capture, May.
·13 Hours at Benghazi, Apr.
·Red Violins, Mar.
·The Hunter, Jan-Feb.
·Poet Laureates of Melbourne Anthology:Le Grand Masked Ball of Phantasmagoric Melbourne. Mar.
·Semi-Finalist 2021International Songwriting Competition, Mars Orbiter, February.
* Poetry & Stories
·The Day The Law Decreed They Wear The Star,Quadrant, Dec.
·Fracture, Sleep Leap, Quadrant, Nov.
·A Fairytale of God, After Bath Poet, by Nguyễn Mạnh Hà, (English translations by Joe Dolce),Sự tích Chúa (Hanoi), Oct.
·The Tyger, Villanelle of the Stairs, The Fading Art of Read, Quadrant, Oct.
·Our Loss, 2022 Grieve Anthology, Sept.
·The Great Galoot, Cut To The Horse, Quadrant, July-Aug.
·Culture, The Half-light The Low Light, Quadrant, June.
·Ulysses For Bogans. Quadrant, May.
·Philidor's Pawns, Monkey-Skin Pillbox HatQuadrant, Apr.
·Short Poem. Quadrant, Mar.
·Cavafy Bath, Dead Owl Ceremony. Quadrant, Jan-Feb.
·And Ever Shall Be, Theatre of War, Green Idyll, Live Encounters, Jan.
Quadrant Television Series and Film
·The Midwich Cuckoos, Dec.
·Eiffel's Awful Tower, Nov.
·The Offer (Just About Everybody Refused), Oct.
·Against the Ice, Sept.
·1883: Sam Elliott's Power of the Dog, July-Aug.
·Rick Stein's Cornwall: Beneath St Piran's Flag, June.
·The Electrical Love Cats of Louis Wain, May.
·Margaret Thatcher: Long Walk to Finchley, Apr.
·Nitram, Mar.
·The Saboteurs: Heavy Water War, Jan-Feb.
Princemere Poetry Prize (US). Semi-finalist. Poem: 'In Repose' Dec.
The Morning Show (USA). Shaddap You Face, featured in second season, sung by Steve Carell, Nov.
ABC Radio. This Weekend Life, interview with Libbi Gorr. Oct 16.
International Songwriting Contest. Semi-finalist. Lyrics. 'Green-eyed Boy of the Rain.' Feb.
DifficultWomen. 'live' at Poet House.' Thornbury, VIC. Feb.
Holey Moley (Australia). Guest appearance show premiere. Brisbane, Q. Feb.
- The Mug With No Ear. (songlyric)Quadrant Dec.
- Gall.Canberra Times - Panorama Nov.
- My Vaccine Passport is Fading.ABC Radio Oct.
- Unfathomable.Eye to the Telescope 42 Oct.
- Constellation, Gingerbread House.Quadrant Oct.
- Clearly Not Fourth Street, Quadrant Sept.
- Soul of Words, Raining Poetry Adelaide street installation. Sept.
- Shoemaker's Moon, Milestones, Ginninderra Press anthology. Sept.
- Old Person's Friend, Seven Words, The Murder of Alberta King (songlyric), Quadrant July-Aug.
- The Battles of Billy Sing, Quadrant May.
- A Fairytale of God, by Nguyễn Mạnh Hà, Báo Giấy, (English translation),Vietnamese Poetry Journal Apr.
- Cookbooks for Poets, Quadrant Mar.
- St Roch, The Disappearance of Harold Holt, Roll-Your-Own Langston, Quadrant Jan-Feb.
* Quadrant Television Series and Film Reviews
- The North Water, Dec.
- The Courier, Nov.
- Underground Railroad: Down the Rabbithole, Oct.
- Two Films in Soviet Space: Moscow, We Have a Problem, Sept.
- Six Minutes to Midnight: The League of German Girls, July-Aug.
- Bates Motel: Norman and Norma, June.
- The Painters of Spall: J.M.W. Turner and L.S. Lowry, May.
- Max, Apr.
- King Charles III, Mar.
- Queen's Gambit: The Accelerated Polgar Variation, Jan-Feb.